Let's face it! Sometimes we all need a good hard DO-OVER, NEW CHAPTER or a RESET! To kick off a NEW year and another NEW version of ME I decided to commit myself to the 21 day Ultimate Reset program.
After doing SO MUCH research on where I wanted to take my health in the new year I decided to take the leap and dive right into Beach Body's most challenging yet rewarding program.
Before, I dive into the details on the Ultimate Reset (on other blog posts) I want to note the reasons WHY I continue to choose Beach Body programs over all others!
For most of us, we look to have support and encouragement as we are working towards our goals. More often than not our own families, friends and households don't provide us with that support we need to get the most from working and achieving our goals. The Beach Body programs COME WITH a community! A community of people using the SAME programs, the SAME products and working towards the SAME or similar results. The community is what truly sets Beach Body apart from the competitors!
Beach Body as a whole (community, coaches, company & all) take pride in TEACHING people how to get results and maintain the results. There's ZERO quick fixes, there's no patch, pill, supplement, or magic potion that's going to get you results unless you WORK for them. Beach Body TEACHES us the skill sets needed to achieve results and KEEP results. It is a LIFESTYLE change not a quick fix! Tackling obesity, depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, heart disease, cancer and more; TOGETHER as a community we make great things happen!
The Beach Body programs TRULY take the guess work out from nutrition (what do I eat?) and workouts (what body part do I work out and how?).
If you can read and watch a movie or tv then you can easily get results with Beach Body programs! EACH and EVERY program comes with a workout (each day is different), workout calendar, nutrition guide, recipes, and portion control containers. We are TRULY teaching you how to FISH for a lifetime not just eat for a day!