I have been tiny my ENTIRE life. I never realized I was technically smaller than everyone else until after hitting puberty when all of my other girl friends were growing massive breasts and their asses were increasing by the second.
Naturally the boys looked to them over me. I was a smaller framed woman and boys admired curves and cushion which I did not and still do not have. But, I am here to tell you now that just because I am tiny and always have been does not mean that those of us who fall into this ectomorphic category are "lucky" or don't have the same body confidence and acceptance struggles of someone who may be larger than "societies standards."
I also want to note that WE (you and I) are a part of SOCIETY which means WE get to contribute to these standards. Thus, if you are giving in and allowing yourself to feel badly about where you are with your body compared to magazines or people on the streets YOU are your enemy NOT magazines, NOT super models, NOT commercials, NOT what you see in movies, etc.
YOU get to define what is right for YOU and YOUR body. Nobody else!
Being the skinny girl is NOT all that it is cracked up to be. I have the SAME struggles as someone who may be overweight.
Clothes don't fit me, it's hard to find my size when shopping (everything is too big), I feel like I am going to FALL out of the roller coaster seats when we go upside down, etc.
People ALWAYS think that it is acceptable and appropriate to talk about your weight, what you eat and how you should stop exercising...since for some odd strange reason people think exercise is only for those who are looking to LOSE weight. GET OUT OF HERE with that NONSENSE.
The comments skinny people get are INSANE...
"You need to eat more"
"It's okay you can afford to eat that"
"You look like you need to eat a box of candy bars"
"My husband would be disgusted with how skinny you are"
"You should stop working out, you're too skinny"
"Really, a salad? Again?"
The unwarranted commentary is TOO MUCH! If I can't tell someone to get on a treadmill, to stop eating junk food, and all of the lovely facts that go in line with being overweight why is it acceptable to voice opinions about my size?
Why can't we just love and accept one another as we are? Why can't we ENCOURAGE one another to be HEALTHY!?
Let's stop the HATE against one another for our body types and/or wishing we were a different size, shape or weight. Work on YOU! Focus on YOU! END RANT
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