About Me

I am Brittany Jamrog, also known as "Jam."  I am a dog mom, humanitarian, girlfriend, bikini competitor and EX-QUITTER.  I used to start things and not finish them ALL the time!  College?  I've started and quit FOUR TIMES!  Workouts?  I've started and quit too many to count!  My own business?  I've started a total of 3 businesses and quit 2 before I even gave them a try!  Sound familiar?  If so then keep reading!

Here I provide you with the tools and resources to live your best life starting TODAY (not next week)!  Just like I did!  Inside all of us is an inner badass beast of a woman ready to tackle goals and dominate your BIGGEST, BADDEST competition.  YOU!  So set aside your insecurities and let's begin changing your life inside and out starting today!

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