Pushing on the Pavement, RAP River Run 2015

My feet are beginning to become rough and warn; my toenails are cut too short.  My calves are sore and I am exhausted.
It has been a long and enjoyable race weekend.  Keith and I ran the RAP River Run in New Port Richey, Florida.  It was my first time running the course and Keith had return to set a dominating PR (personal record) from his first 5k nearly 5 years ago.
As we arrived to the race, Keith warmed up and I had met with new friends.  As I mentioned in a previous blog post I decided to join a local running group, The Suncoast Striders.  I have always wanted to be a decent runner but never truly felt motivated; I desired the encouragement and like mindedness of others.  I seem to have found that in less than a week thus far.  Keith ran off to warm up and stretch as I gabbed with my new Suncoast Strider friend (we will call her Sasha) and her long time friend.  We discussed our goals for the day’s race and any training we have done lately.

Spinach & Kale Cubes

Okay, so how many of you have gone to make a smoothie and found your spinach or kale wilted at the bottom of the produce bin in the fridge?  I know that I am guilty of not eating my greens and they spoil so quickly.

Because of this I have come up with a solution and a great way to get those extra super foods into your smoothies when you need to using my spinach & kale ice cubes!
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