Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas

I'm a HUGE fan of my crock pot!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE cooking in my cock pot and when a meal is EASY I'm an even BIGGER fan!
Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas are a staple in my home and will soon be in yours too!
3 bell peppers
2 large white onion
2 lbs of boneless skinless chicken
Low sodium taco seasoning
1 can of diced tomatoes
Juice of 1 lime

New Year, New You

A NEW year means a NEW me!  I've set some pretty intense and up there goals for the 2016 year!  Some are fitness related while MOST are not!  My goals for the 2016 year are setting the bar rather HIGH and I'm ready to WORK WORK WORK to get there!

With setting new goals and dreaming new dreams I'm EAGER and SUPER excited to also be helping other people in reaching their goals too!  Again, health and fitness related and NOT.  

We're more likely to REACH our goals by supporting, working and encouraging one another TOGETHER!  

5 Tips on Finding the Right Protein

Sometimes the convenience of an on-the-go meal is needed.  Whether you're a busy mom, a devout student or simply just don't feel like cooking (we've all been there), we need something QUICK and EASY!

Most of the time some will pull into a nearby drive-thru and regret it moments later.  Some of us depend on a protein or meal replacement shake for this EXACT reason.  I've heard a lot of debate on whether shakes are a smart choice.  Rather than pushing you in either direction I prefer to GUIDE you towards what's right for YOU.
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