New Year, New You

A NEW year means a NEW me!  I've set some pretty intense and up there goals for the 2016 year!  Some are fitness related while MOST are not!  My goals for the 2016 year are setting the bar rather HIGH and I'm ready to WORK WORK WORK to get there!

With setting new goals and dreaming new dreams I'm EAGER and SUPER excited to also be helping other people in reaching their goals too!  Again, health and fitness related and NOT.  

We're more likely to REACH our goals by supporting, working and encouraging one another TOGETHER!  
Who's with me?

2016 Goals are set and they're in writing!

1. Certifications!  YES, I plan on working towards 2 HUGE certifications in 2016!  More to come on that at a later date.
2. BEST SHAPE of my LIFE.  My goal is to get into the BEST shape of my life!  Mentally, physically, spiritual, emotionally and relationshipally (that's not a word ha ha).  
3. Get my butt back in school!  I neeeed to work on my degree!  No more waiting!  
4. Register Merlin as a therapy dog and GIVE GIVE GIVE my time and love to others!  Once a month MINIMUM to give back to the community!
5. Open my heart up and explore new friendships!  I'm really excited about this one!
6. Double my income!  YES I SAID THAT.  My goal is the end 2016 with TWICE as much of not more income than 2015.  It's GOING to happen!
7. Focus on HAPPY feelings and intentions!

With this ALL being said I am super happy to be working with a group of BEAUTIFUL women working towards their health and fitness goals.  NEW Year New You begins Monday, January 4th!  

If you're looking for support, accountability, motivation, recipes, ideas and more fill out the application below to reserve your spot in my next health and fitness group!

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