5 Tips on Finding the Right Protein

Sometimes the convenience of an on-the-go meal is needed.  Whether you're a busy mom, a devout student or simply just don't feel like cooking (we've all been there), we need something QUICK and EASY!

Most of the time some will pull into a nearby drive-thru and regret it moments later.  Some of us depend on a protein or meal replacement shake for this EXACT reason.  I've heard a lot of debate on whether shakes are a smart choice.  Rather than pushing you in either direction I prefer to GUIDE you towards what's right for YOU.

There are a few KEY things to note when considering to "Shake It Up" or not...

1. Shakes are NOT magical.  
Period.  A shake of any kind will not be your magic potion.  Shakes CAN provide you with MANY benefits such as getting a low calorie meal in a pinch.  Easily adding in your missed fruits and veggies when blending or providing you with the proteins your body needs after an intense workout.

2. A shake will not undo poor nutritional choices in the day.  
You're not going to lose weight drinking a shake for one meal while loading up on pizza, soda, sugary snacks and the like for the rest of the day.

3. Not all shakes are created equal!
Seriously, read the labels and DEFINE your needs before selecting a shake.  Are you in need of a protein shake or a meal replacement shake?  There's a HUGE difference.  Protein shakes are often consumed after an intense workout consisting of lifting heavy weights.  In this event, one's body is in need of proteins to REBUILD the muscle.  Those who lift weights consume the protein in the form of a shake to get to the muscle quicker AND for the convenience factor.  It's easy to throw the shake mix in your gym bag and blend with water immediately after a workout.

Meal replacement shakes are used to REPLACE a meal OR for those looking to INCREASE calorie consumption add to their diet in the form of a higher calorie snack.  Many replacement shakes are LOW in calories giving one the option to add extra ingredients such as spinach, fruits, nut butters, etc. to increase the calories when needed.  Thus giving you CONTROL of your caloric intake.

4. Quality, Quality, Quality
You will get what you pay for.  Not all shakes are created equal and to find a shake created from WHOLE food ingredients rather than those derived from chemicals and artificial ingredients.  They DO exist.  This is why I chose Vegan Shakeology as my meal replacement shake.  It's HIGH in proteins derived from plants and oats.  You can actually see the greens in the mix!  No artificial flavors or colors either.  Are there other options out there?  Of course, but you can't beat the taste, the convenience of door step delivery and auto-ship.  If a shake is priced cheaply you can almost GUARANTEE that the shake is filled with CHEAP ingredients.

5. Read the labels

I cannot express just how important it is for you to take the time to read all of the labels on the foods you plan to consume.  As always, I follow the 80/20 rule.  This means that 80% of the time I consume wholesome, nutritionally dense foods.  20% of the time I enjoy indulging and enjoying items that are not so perfect for me.  Life is too short and we are all going to die anyways.  May as well enjoy the ride!

-Added sugar: the average American consumes about 30-60 teaspoons of sugar DAILY.  Before making that shake purchase, check the amount of sugars!  Sugars also have multiple names which can be tricky.  Look for words like dextrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, tapioca syrup, brown rice syrup, molasses, maple syrup, honey, sucrose, glucose, coconut sugar, and more.
-Soy: There are a NUMBER of health concerns regarding soy and soy products.  Most soy on the market is GMO.  In many shakes you will find soy protein isolate, so protein, so lecithin or soy oil.

-Avoid Hydrogenated: this term means trans-fat.  This also means NOT quality.

-Artificial sweeteners: Sadly many shakes contain these fake sugars.  They've been known to contribute to headaches, digestive issues, improper thyroid function and more.  Cutting out real sugar is a cost-cutting measure as well.  Common names for these fake sugars are sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame potassium and more.

-"Natural" flavors: This term simply means it was made in a lab.  While real vanilla bean is expensive and does take time to harvest, selecting a REAL ingredient over a chemical on is preferred.

My advice from here on out is to ensure that you do your research before selecting a shake for the wrong reason or with the wrong ingredients. 

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