Fall For You February Fitness Challenge

The holidays have faded and the New Year has begun.  I've been thinking LONG and HARD about how I'm feeling as I am working towards my new goals for the 2016 year.

I feel like I could use a little EXTRA accountability and motivation from some friends!  February 1st, I'll be starting my Fall for You February Fitness Challenge!  

The focus of this group will be surrounded by the usual motivation, accountability and support you receive from my traditional challenge groups, however, we will be focusing on positive thinking and falling IN LOVE with ourselves.

That's right FALLING in love with yourself!  You know that TINY voice in your head that keeps telling you, "you're not good enough"?  We plan on SQUASHING that!

And to boot, you'll leave this group with some MAJOR confidence BOOSTERS!  (POUNDS SHREDDED and CONFIDENCE) Ummm HELLO!

1 Round of 21 Day Fix Extreme
For this challenge group we will be utilizing the Beach Body Program of your choice and/or Shakeology the SUPER FOOD meal replacement shake which now comes in Cafe Latte!  (YAY)

Currently the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme and The Masters of Hammer & Chisel challenge packs are on sale for the month of January (GET THEM WHILE THEY ARE HOT).

Each program utilizes the "container portion control system" allowing you to truly focus on the goal you're working towards.

Pasta, potatoes, rice are allowed 
And, don't worry; you'll still have the opportunity to ENJOY your Valentine's Day!  These programs are ALL about BALANCE!

Enjoy your pasta, cheese and wine while you're working towards RESULTS and a NEW YOU!

So if you're looking to start a new ROUTINE and be the woman you've DREAMED of being fill out the application below!  I'm happy to talk about the options available!

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