Put the Skinny BACK in Skinny Jeans

It's fall y'all!  Which means bust out the skinny jeans, leggings, boots and sweaters!  Those large sweaters may help you hide some of the extra fluff from the tasty snacks and cocktails we've splurged on during our warm summer but those skinny jeans & leggings don't lie! 
Join my next Skinny Jeans Virtual Fitness & Accountability FitCamp during the month of October.  By combining at home 30 minute workouts, customized meal plans, Shakeology Superfood meal replacement shake and endless support & motivation for 30 days you'll lose INCHES and drop pounds! 

So stop struggling to fit into your favorite pair of pants by joining myself and countless others working on improving our health, self-confidence and increasing our energy! 
Those who join this week will receive a special gift from me!  Application is below to get started. 

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